Thursday, December 6, 2007

How Do We Pray?

Luke 11:5-13

Jesus' disciples asked Him how to pray. He demonstrated this by giving the a model of the Lord's Prayer, many of us know it as the Our Father. His teaching on the subject did not stop there. He tells a story of a neighbor that went to another in the village to ask for some bread. In Jesus' time it would have been expected that the friend would have helped. Not only that, the visitor that the food was for would have been seen as a guest of the whole village. So, the hearers of this parable would have laughed at the response of the friend who wouldn't come out of the house and help shouting to the neighbor that kids are asleep... at least they may have been before they started shouting back and forth ;-) Jesus, you see has a sense of humor.

The parable demonstrates that God is not reluctant to hear our prayers, but eager. Therefore as we pray we can go before him with bold persistence, because we can have confidence in the heart of our heavenly Father who takes great joy in doing what is good.

Therefore, where ever you are, pray. Pray boldly. Pray confidently, that the Lover of your soul is eagerly listening. Won't you bring all your cares to Him today? He is listening!

May you be blessed as you meet with the Lord,


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